Blending my own perfume with Demeter’s Library of Scents

How Fun was This experience – FUN !!!!

I’m all about writing about my experiences and this was so amazing!

Thank You CBB (Canadian Beauty bloggers) and Demeter for sending me such great scents to play and create with!

Let’s Jump right into it!

So I received quite a parcel: filled with unique scents, testing strips, droppers & a tiny little funnel to create my own personalized scent. So very cute! At the bottom of the box, tucked in an adorable pouch was a USB Drive and a little keychain with one of their most notable scents – Laundromat!

all the scents

keychain and usb demeter

I am so into perfume! I always have been. It’s part of my signature -as a woman.ย I started to play and experiment and test out what I liked the most on my skin. I used my wrist and I left each scent there for a while to see how it worked with my body chemistry.

Demeter Trio -

NO RULES! I love it
NO RULES! I love it

I really gravitated towards Hawaiian Vanilla, Clean Skin & Sunshine the most.

Here is a little collage of the fun I had!

Blending heaven !
Blending heaven !

I took my time with this and came back to my new – soon to be – signature scent many times.

I then added a lot of Gingerbread as I felt my scent needed some weight or more of a base.

A few drops of Angel Food for more sweetness and then I let it sit for a while.

HMMMM - what should i call it !
HMMMM – what should i call it !

After I let my hmmmmm what should i call it bottle – sit overnight- I woke up this morning and thought MORE MORE MORE !!!!!!

This is my reverse pyramid !!!!! This is what my customized scent has the most of.

reverse pyriamid

So my Final product carries a heavier base of Angel Food and lingers up to a very clean skin scent that has been touched by the Sunshine with a very Tropical Hawaiian Feel.

Perfect for the dead of winter ๐Ÿ˜‰

I guess I would describe it as a day at the beach. It’s Light enough yet lasts because of the base notes of Vanilla and Gingerbread. I wish there was scratch and sniff technology!

I blended a really Yummy, sensual smell

And as many of you have seen already – I used my Logo and made it truly Mine !

This was so much fun!

I have my own personalized scent!

Thanks again to the CBB and Demeterย for having me on your campaign !

I had a blast!




  1. I always had a love affair with Demeter fragrances. They are so fun & affordable !!! Your own blending sensual concoction must smell so good :- ) xo

      1. Thanks ! I hope we will get to know each other better in the future ! I should post my Demeter review next week !!! I’m just starting my “DIRT” concoction ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Lovely review! I’m working on mine tomorrow! I’m so excited to mix and have fun! a fun and amazing idea they created! Your review is wonderful! Love all the photos. Great work and big hugs! ๐Ÿ˜€

  3. Your mixtures sounds DIVINE! Yes that’s what we need right now – a beachy pick me up scent in this bitter cold!
    This sounds like it was a LOT of fun! Do they sell a kit for mixing your own scents or just individual scents and we’re encouraged to mix them?
    Also, I think I need to join this CBB? ๐Ÿ˜›

    1. i just saw that you can customize ur own scents now on demeter – i saw on their insta – #somanysscents omg ……….. AND yeah join ————- xoxoxoxxoxoxxoxox

  4. I wish I could smell it through my computer, haha!
    I’m in the early stages of playing with the kits, just smelling everything and thinking about how I want to blend them for my custom perfume – I have a list of blend combos that I need to try out on my skin to see how it reacts with my body chemistry.
    Great review! โค

    1. it’s fun right ? xxxxx it’s so personal xxxxxxxx and Jodi i was covered in perfume yesterday LOL xxxx Not the tidiest blender lolol
      i guess the closest mine would come to is Bobbi brown BEACH ——– without the sunscreen smell xxxxx
      i think what i love the best is the PERSONALIZED xxxxxx like our noses just say yes to some notes and then – no to others – it’s chemistry – I love it xxxx lemme know when you post it ok ? xxxxx MUAH XXXXXXXX

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